Supporting Urban Agriculture in Dallas

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and the food insecurities that came with it, Kosmos Energy launched our Hunger Relief Program in 2020. Read More

Seeding Visionary Startups in Mauritania

At the Kosmos Innovation Center (KIC) Mauritania, our signature program is the annual KIC Mauritania Innovation Challenge. Read More

Kosmos Innovation Center in Ghana launches Young Farmer Business Academy, Expands Impact

Since 2016, the Kosmos Innovation Center in Ghana has empowered entrepreneurs and worked alongside small businesses to help turn their ideas into viable businesses that can scale and reach their full potential. Read More

Community Engagement in Saint Louis, Senegal

Since entering Senegal in 2014, Kosmos has engaged with a range of stakeholders in Saint-Louis, including fishing communities, government representatives and members of civil society. Read More

Chairman and CEO Andy Inglis on our 2023 Sustainability Report

As in the past, this year’s Sustainability Report brings you the latest data, information and narrative on how Kosmos embeds sustainability in everything we do. Our sustainability strategy is indivisible from our business strategy.” Read More

Natural Gas in Senegal: The Opportunity

Since 2014 Kosmos Energy has maintained an active presence in Senegal, where we are currently participating in the development of two major natural gas discoveries. Read More

Supporting Women Entrepreneurs in Mauritania

Kosmos Energy makes many of our social investments through the Kosmos Innovation Center (KIC) programs in Ghana, Senegal and Mauritania. Read More

Reducing Emissions in Ghana

Kosmos Energy’s operations in Ghana include the Jubilee Field, the production asset developed from our major basin-opening discovery in 2007, as well as the nearby TEN fields. Read More

Expanding Our Climate Commitments

Kosmos respects the environment we all share, and reducing emissions remains a key part of our climate change and overall business strategy. Read More