Seeding Visionary Startups in Mauritania

At the Kosmos Innovation Center (KIC) Mauritania, our signature program is the annual KIC Mauritania Innovation Challenge. Read More

Supporting Women Entrepreneurs in Mauritania

Kosmos Energy makes many of our social investments through the Kosmos Innovation Center (KIC) programs in Ghana, Senegal and Mauritania. Read More

Expanding Our Climate Commitments

Kosmos respects the environment we all share, and reducing emissions remains a key part of our climate change and overall business strategy. Read More

Advancing a Just Energy Transition in Africa

At Kosmos Energy, we believe every nation must eventually get to net zero, but the starting point should be economic justice and the right of all Read More

The Kosmos Innovation Center (KIC)

Entrepreneurs are key drivers of economic and social progress. They are important sources of innovation and employment, and they strengthen market competition. The Kosmos Innovation Center Read More

Supporting Local Fishing

Kosmos Energy supports fishing communities in many of the nations in which we operate. Consulting and Supporting Fishing Communities Since we typically operate offshore of coastal Read More