A t Kosmos, we see our interactions with local business partners as another way to contribute to the countries in which we operate. In fact, in the event of exploration success, oil and gas development can be an important engine of economic development. We maintain high standards for our suppliers and commercial partners in terms of safety, the environment, and anti-corruption. Suppliers are required to adhere to our Business Principles. Their willingness to observe the standards articulated in our Business Principles and supporting policies is a key consideration in the selection process. When a potential local supplier is found to be outside our HSE standards, we often work to provide the necessary training or certification to elevate them to the standard. This is frequently the case, as we operate in several countries with nascent oil and gas industries. We periodically organize contractor forums to provide training and reinforce our HSE- related expectations. Local and multinational contractors attend these sessions in order to further commit themselves to working within our standards. It is critical that our suppliers and contractors fully understand their contractual obligations regarding anti-corruption provisions. Our local procurement or compliance professionals offer one-on-one sessions with our suppliers to explain our requirements under our policies, the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977, the UK Bribery Act of 2010, and other relevant local legislation. During this process, we often identify areas for additional training within our local supply chain. We seek to maximize the amount of goods, services, and employment that we source locally. Our local content approach aims to enable people to access jobs, and to enable businesses to access supply chain opportunities through Kosmos. Commercial Responsibilities K osmos aims to be a trusted partner, good corporate citizen, and catalyst for positive change. While governments have the principal responsibility for ensuring citizens benefit from oil and gas development, we recognize that Kosmos also has a role to play. We are more likely to have a sustainable business if we work with a range of stakeholders, promote good governance, and maximize the opportunities we create for those around us. Prior to seismic operations or exploration drilling, we conduct environmental and social impact assessments to consult with potentially impacted communities and create well-informed operating plans. These assessments help us develop a baseline of socioeconomic conditions before activities begin, understand and mitigate any potential adverse impacts from the activities, and collect information that enables future operations to benefit workers, communities, and local businesses. Upon establishing a country office to oversee our operations, we complete an assessment to identify social investment opportunities and potential partners from the community. Our approach to social investment aims to align community, government, and company priorities. Kosmos has a deep commitment to respecting and promoting human rights. Our Human Rights Policy, available on our website, ensures that our behavior toward employees, contractors, and external stakeholders is both responsible and respectful. We have conducted human rights training sessions for employees and incorporated human rights into our social impact assessments to understand our potential risk exposure. Since it is important for community members to achieve redress if they suffer harm as a result of our operations, we maintain and publicize mechanisms in every country for addressing grievances. In addition, we have trained employees and contractors to handle and resolve grievances appropriately. We seek to apply the U.N. Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in all our operations. A key element of the Guiding Principles is for companies to evaluate within their risk assessments the extent to which the company’s activities may pose risks to those around them. In the past, we have hired third party experts to conduct labor rights risk assessments of our operations to better understand our risks during exploration, as well as risks that could arise with oil or gas discoveries. We believe adopting a proactive approach to human rights is good risk management and the right thing to do. Kosmos seeks to implement the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights in our operations. Although port facilities are often secured by state security providers, we also use private security providers for certain of our office operations. We have conducted security assessments and training sessions for these private contractors that incorporate the Voluntary Principles as guidance. Our goal is not only to prevent potential human rights abuses, but also to encourage security providers to serve as advocates for protecting and promoting human rights. We are participating in the Voluntary Principles process with the Government of Ghana, which is the first country in Africa to join the Voluntary Principles Initiative. Since BP is the operator of the Greater Tortue Ahmeyim gas project offshore Mauritania and Senegal, we are engaging with BP in implementation of the Voluntary Principles as the field is developed. Kosmos in Society 18 19 5 BUSINESS PRINCIPLE 6 BUSINESS PRINCIPLE WE SEE OUR INTERACTIONS WITH LOCAL BUSINESS PARTNERS AS ANOTHER WAY TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE COUNTRIES IN WHICH WE OPERATE. KOSMOS HAS A DEEP COMMITMENT TO RESPECTING AND PROMOTING HUMAN RIGHTS.