13 in safe and efficient operations that are consistent with strong well governance procedures and internationally recommended best practices. Kosmos believes climate change is real and influenced by human activity. At this time, Kosmos does not operate any of its producing assets. Kosmos has oil and gas production offshore Ghana and Equatorial Guinea, which we entered in late 2017. In Ghana, our co-venture partner, Tullow Oil, operates the Jubilee and TEN fields. While we do not participate in the Climate Disclosure Project (CDP), Tullow Oil participates in the CDP, reporting emissions and management processes on behalf of the Jubilee co-venturers, including Kosmos. Our management plans to revisit this decision if Kosmos operates any hydrocarbon production in the future. We finished 2017 with a Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) of 0.64 and a Lost Time Incident Rate (LTIR) of 0.0, against our global targets of less than 1.25 and 0.5, respectively. We had zero fines and zero spills. Our 2018 performance targets are a TRIR and LTIR of less than 1.1 and 0.5, respectively, zero spills, and zero fines/penalties. We aim to be an injury-free workplace no matter where in the world we operate and recognize that each individual needs to play a role in this effort – through safety vigilance, awareness of surroundings, and focusing on the task at hand. In 2017, we continued to require personal and occupational safety training for all employees to reinforce our safety culture. BUSINESS PRINCIPLE 4 IN ACTION: TAKING A CLOSER LOOK AT CLIMATE CHANGE Kosmos recognizes that the world is facing a serious challenge from climate change influenced by human activity. In 2017, we conducted a review of our approach to climate change and the external policy and stakeholder environment. In the review, we: • Benchmarked Kosmos’ approach against that of a set of industry peers; • Analyzed stakeholder attitudes, including emerging investor expectations around climate change reporting and initiatives such as the Task Force for Climate- Related Financial Disclosures; • Examined the wider policy environment, projections of global energy needs, and climate-change risks and opportunities for our business. We are now considering how to integrate the review’s findings into our future business strategy. In the meantime, climate change will remain on our agenda, and we will continue to review and adapt our approach as the external environment evolves.