57 2014 2015 2016 Ghana Mauritania Morocco Mauritania Morocco Senegal Mauritania Senegal Suriname WASTE (TONS) Hazardous 7.93 318.03 338.53 184.00 92.00 10 298.67 112.44 10.54 Non-Hazardous 15.54 1,343.78 1,617.25 115.00 542.00 14.16 296.8 114.11 82.9 TOTAL 23.47 1,661.81 1,955.78 299.00 634.00 24.16 595.47 226.55 93.44 Recycled/reused/treated 36% 15% 22% 27% 56% 34% 54% 43% 10% AIR EMISSIONS (TONS) Carbon Dioxide (CO2) 1,572.27 19,019.73 31,525.16 35,225.94 12,591.45 17,914.02 51,893.95 20,815.17 20,530.75 Mono-Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) 29.18 432.25 702.89 654.20 233.28 332.52 964.32 387.47 381.10 Sulfur Oxides (SOx) 3.79 16.96 18.88 44.18 15.39 13.97 64.80 25.96 25.66 Methane (CH4) 0.09 158.91 292.10 2.22 1.05 1.01 2.88 1.13 11.55 Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCS) 0.98 27.13 47.14 12.54 8.10 11.19 32.50 13.00 12.83 Greenhouse Gases (GHGS) 1,574.16 22,356.84 37,659.18 35,272.56 12,613.50 17,935.23 51,954.43 20,838.84 20,773.30 OTHER Fines and penalties 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Freshwater use (m3 ) N/R1 N/R N/R 12,855.00 5,108.00 2,915.20 1,728.00 3,082.00 3,744.00 Hydrocarbon or Non-Aqueous Drilling Fluid Spills 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ENVIRONMENT The Environment data presented in this report is for Kosmos operated assets only. Waste and air emissions are measured in tons, with greenhouse gas emissions measured in metric tons of CO2 equivalent. The data represents drilling rigs as well as seismic and support vessels. In 2016, Kosmos did not operate any drilling in Ghana. We drilled exploration wells offshore Mauritania and Senegal and conducted seismic surveys offshore Mauritania, Senegal and Suriname. The Atwood Achiever drillship sat offshore Mauritania during a pause period from June through December 2016. The Payments to Government data are reflective of direct payments made to government entities by Kosmos Energy on operated projects. Please see the footnotes below for further detail on the payments we made to our host country governments in 2016. PAYMENTS TO GOVERNMENTS (USD)1 1. Our project-level disclosures are available on our website at www.kosmosenergy.com/responsibility/transparency.php. 2. Represents payments made directly to government for satisfaction of training obligations per the Petroleum Agreements and/or Petroleum Sharing Contracts (PSCs), as applicable. In addition to the numbers above, Kosmos made payments to third party training providers and/or national oil company employees in accordance with training obligations per the PSCs totaling $1.0 million for Morocco. 3. Primarily local payroll-related taxes and withholding taxes on interest payments in Ghana. These values are exclusive of withholding taxes remitted on behalf of service providers. 4. In addition to this, Kosmos Energy paid the U.S. government $11.7 million in income tax payments during 2016. 5. Primarily relates to costs associated with withdrawing from the Tarhazoute Offshore Area of Interest in Morocco. 6. Royalties represent the production entitlement to the Government of Ghana paid in barrels of oil out of Kosmos’ working interest share of production. Based on the annual average of daily Brent prices in 2016, this is worth approximately $16.2 million. 7. Not reflected in the numbers above are payments to the port authority in Morocco primarily for leased use of port facilities in the amount of $75,000. 1. N/R indicates metrics not reported in previous years. We reported on new metrics as a result of materiality discussions, benchmarking, and improved reporting processes. Ghana Mauritania Morocco7 Senegal Suriname Signature Bonus — 4,000,000 — — — Surface Rentals 18,000 58,000 — 97,000 — Training2 175,000 953,000 — 600,000 — Permitting Fees 61,000 — — — — Taxes3 5,675,000 579,000 861,000 151,000 257,000 Income Taxes4 2,232,550 — — — — Other5 — 53,000 4,000,000 — — TOTAL 8,161,550 5,643,000 4,861,000 848,000 257,000 Royalties (in barrels of oil)6 370,007 — — — — 2016 PERFORMANCE DATA